You are an old soul & can embody so many different aspects of your deep rich wisdom, yet there is an aspect to your mission that wants to emerge and be more present NOW-- find out the tone of your purpose so that you can easily embody, express & market your genius with this nuanced version of you

Your Dharma
(purpose & heart mission)
has a specific imprint- find out yours

This is not the typical Archetypes, this is about your SOUL MISSION

Archetypal work is common, especially in the spiritual entrepreneur space, and this is a little different.

This is not about acting like an ideal but uncovering a nuanced part of your soul that is asking to emerge & be expressed

This is for you if:

  • You are on a mission
  • You know something within within is emerging, and it wants you to deeply listen
  • You have done archetype work before, but you know there is a more specific model
  • You are always up for fine tuning your purpose
  • You want to feel more ease in marketing

 Let's face it, you are not new to inner work; you have looked at different systems to know yourself, your purpose and how to show up.

No matter where you are on the self-discovery journey to help you in your purpose, this level of Soul discovery is unlike anything you have seen before. 

When you ENERGETICALLY attune to this level of specificity & align to what your soul wants from you, then the way you show up, the way you speak, the images you share clicks for those on the other end.

& when your energy clicks for them, they self-select to work with you.

What others have said about their Dharma Soul Archetypes:

Before I did Asha’s Dharma Workbook I felt very confident I knew who I was since I have been in business for 20 years already!

However, when I did the exercise I was blown away by my results. As a therapist, it’s no surprise I am a “healer.”

But it is more interesting that I identify as a “teacher” archetype more and that gives me permission to lean into that in my business. People definitely heal through learning.

Lastly, I learned I was an “architect” archetype! Whoa! This means I help people build the structure around themselves to safely heal. Different than a shell or a wall people put up when they’ve been hurt in their life, I architect a vessel of presence so they feel held and can heal.

This understanding was only available to me after doing the Dharma Workbook

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--Dr. Jodi Aman
Therapist, Author, Speaker & Trainer
"Fine tuning my soul archetype (Navigator) allows me to fine tune the way I show up as a leader. Priceless!"
Divider Text
Coach, Author, Thought Leader

The nuanced energy you emit & how you show up deeply affects your magnetic field. When you attune to the soul archetype that is FOR you, you show up magnetizing those who are meant for your work.

Asha D Ramakrishna

#1 Best Selling Author of  the book "The Priestess Code: Awakening the Modern Woman," where Moon & Earth Principles are revealed for a more organic and harmonious approach to life and co-author of “Your Soul Map: Liberation, Human Design & the BIPOC Experience”.

With a background in molecular biology and business development, she breaks Sun, Moon & Earth wisdom into practical logical approaches to doing business.

Asha has served as a business consultant to companies in the Biotech, Photography, and Spiritual Entrepreneur sectors.

Through the synthesis of supporting other companies and building different aspects of her own consulting & spiritual businesses, she has created a methodology for companies to bridge away from standard capitalist practices into a Sacred Commerce® framework; they get to have time for themselves, build profitable models, and create sustainable ways to give back.

She is originally from Venezuela and is also Indian. She currently lives in Harvard, MA (occupied Nipmuc land) with her soul mate, has raised two spirited daughters,mostly loves being in ceremony in the woods with her 50 pound Portuguese Water Dog.

Asha has synthesized her body of work to support humans in:


This work has helped these companies evolve & grow :
