Mama Bali: Purification & Sweetness 
authentic ceremonial experience to experience your divine sweet soul essence
October 6-15, 2025
purify your soul & taste the sweet nectars of life

Bali is indeed the Island of the Gods, and beyond that it is the intersection of the purest forms of devotion with Nature Spirits, Buddhist Principles and Hindu Practices.

Bali is the essence of the Sacred Feminine; the wise Great Mother of all creation.

Bali has become so popular, especially as people connect to the beauty of instagram photos. But Bali is more than that. She has more to show us because we care to go deeper, to seek the assistance of her guardians, and because we enter with the utmost reverence for her sweetness & teachings. 

In this 9-day quest, we go into the depth of authentic ceremonial practices to receive complete water cleansing and the sweet embrace of the Spirit of Mama Bali, while laughing and fully enjoying this gem of a place!

Why Water Purification?

There is no other place in the world dedicated to spiritual cleansing in the way Bali does it. Temple after temple has been maintained and preserved for generations so that we can step in and with the help of our local team (Balinese Priest &  Priestess, Balinese Healer and authentic guides) be purified of all that we have been carrying.

Sacred Water cleansing is the most effective way to wash away the past and feel the clarity of our sweet essence.

We are lucky enough to have been working for five years with our Team in Bali: Spiritual & Travel Guides, Hindu Priest & Priestess & Traditional Balinese Healer.

9 days of Purification, Protection, Guidance & Blessings  
The medicine of Bali Temples...
We have carefully designed a 9-day Spiritual Quest:

  • Ganesha Temple by the Ocean to seek permissions, protection, and guidance.
  • Water Temple to purify old energies and receive blessings from Lakshmi & Vishnu for kindness and prosperity.
  • Dragon Temple to forge a connection with your mythic purpose and power.
  • Durga Temple to embrace the energy of the Spiritual Warrior Goddess.
  • Waterfall & River Temple to be consecrated in the new energy under the protection of Shiva and the blessings of Buddha.
  • Moon Temple to connect with our inner moon, the womb, and the essence of beauty, sweetness, and grace.

In between, there will be leisure time for relaxation, shopping, visiting the renowned Yoga Barn, and enjoying massages (not included)
no where else in the world do you...

Mama Bali offers us a unique blend of old nature belief systems, with Hinduism & a touch of Buddhism.

The combination is unique and allows us to connect deeply with the nature spirits guided by Hindu ritual and Buddhist philosophy.

Balinese believe EVERYTHING is alive and that it is constantly in conversation with us.

When we incorporate this connection, we become part of it. We become one with nature.

What this really means is that nature becomes like a relative and we tune into how we move through life as a family.

You & Nature

you will be held
We have a deep commitment to holding exquisite energetic space that caters to your soul evolution. We encourage personal responsibility yet as facilitators we ensure accommodations, food, and service helps you feel at ease. We work with a dedicated team of Balinese spiritually focused guides.
what past participants have said about the Bali Pilgrimage...
water allows us to dream into the realms of the "impossible"

What happens once we are purified and have been blessed by:
Ganesha - the remover of obstacles
Lakshmi - the wealth goddess
Vishnu - the preserver
Shiva - the destroyer & protector
Durga - the warrior goddess
Buddha - the compassionate

What becomes available:

  • We move beyond this 3D reality and begin to play with life to make the impossible be very possible.  
  • Our nervous system relaxes & we become more creative
  • We tap into the sweetness of life
  • We care for nature, as we would our loving relative
  • Nature begins to take care of us
  • The elements honor us, as we honor them
the art of devotion

Being in the temples, ceremony and around the beautiful people of Bali changes you.

You begin to see the tenderness of humans and the world.

Bali restores the softness within, the sweetness within, and reminds you that we are in this life thing together.

We need to feel the sweetness so that the world can feel it too.

We do Bali in a very different way than most: we tap into what lies in the root of this ancient wise lineage, her nature temples, and her wise healers.

Your Guides:

Michelle & Asha

Michelle Badillo is a Venezuelan journalist with a long career (25 years) in the media of her native country, (Venezuela), graduated from the Andres Bello Catholic University.

In 2014 Michelle and her family decided to settle in the City of Miami in search of a new destination and new challenges, and it is in Florida (USA) where she decided to turn her life around and head towards the path of emotional and physical well-being. due to his various Personal, work and Health situations that produced a breaking point and an awakening in his life.

She is like that when she decides to become certified as a Holistic Health Coach in NY (@nutritionschool 2017).

Given her love for the practice of Yoga, Michelle decides to become certified as a Vinyasa Yoga 200 RYT Instructor, then, her great passion: Kundalini Yoga 200 RYT, both accreditations endorsed by Yoga Alliance, the most well-known Yoga organization worldwide.
Likewise, Michelle discovered a form of Healing in Sound, which is why she achieved her training with quartz bowls and her Certification in Meditation, from the Be Generation Love School (under the teachings of Deepak Chopra).
Asha D Ramakrishna is the Bestselling Author of the Priestess Code: Awakening the Modern Woman & Your Soul Map: Liberation, Human Design and the BIPOC Experience.

Asha has been a Spiritual Guide since 2005.

The spaces and experiences that Asha cultivates make the person heal what is in the way of their personal & ancestral liberation. Asha believes in gentle, loving, yet direct coaching & mentorship based on ancestral organizing pricinples.

Asha is of Hindu descent. She lived her childhood and part of her adolescence in Venezuela and now lives in Harvard, MA (occupied territory of the Nipmuc Tribe).

She graduated in Molecular Biology and trained for 2 decades in Indian and Asian spiritual systems, such as Yoga, Karma Healing, Womb Healing, Astrology, Human Design and many others.

Asha is the founder of Sacred Commerce TM program & the Modern Priestess School, a virtual school devoted to supporting people learn the tools to assist humanity, including ceremonial practices and reconnection to their own mythic ancestral lineage.

Part of the proceeds will be donated to an organization that houses, educates and supports girls

We believe that is vital to travel, learn, enjoy ourselves and also leave each place that blesses us with our good energy and all the ways we are able to contribute in the way our hosts prefer
Double Room
per person
Pay In Full
We take the time to select aligned roommates
Double Room

per person
12-Month Payment Plan
12-Month Payment Plan
We take the time to select aligned roommates
Single Room
per person
Pay In Full
Single Room

per person
12-Month Payment Plan
12-Month Payment Plan
This trip includes:

  • Hotels (4 & 5 Star)
  • All Ceremonies & Rituals
  • 2 Meals per day (dinner on your own)
  • Domestic transportation within Bali
  • Yoga Classes
  • All rituals and ceremony
  • Entrance to Temples

Does NOT Include:
  • International flight to Bali
  • transportation to/from airport ($50 total) Depends on how many people share. Details when all flights are booked 
  • additional meals
  • additional drinks
  • shopping
  • massages & consultations
  • tips to staff
  • Visa into Bali

Please secure travel insurance and health travel insurance; This is mandatory for all participants.
